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To obtain a Culinary Arts Externship for 18  oonsecutive weeks between October 2013 and March 2014.

Hello my name is Matthew Steven Velasquez; I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I first started to want to learn how to cook living with my grandmother. When I felt sad or if I was very angry, I would talk to my grandma while she was cooking and before you knew it, I forgot why I was upset since she took my mind off the situation by cooking. I like to work with a lot of fish products. Mainly because there are so many different types of fish you get to work with and it brings me back an array of memories of when I would go camping with my family. I would learn how to catch trout with my grandpa, and then learn how to properly season and cook our catch for dinner with my grandma. When I am not in the kitchen, I try and find inspirations from my surroundings. Whether it is through nature or in the museums I truly believe food can pop up wherever you find it. I may not have a lot of knowledge to off, but I like to surround myself with great minds that will help me grow into the chef I hope to one day be.


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